Vision, Mission, Values

Glob Eco is oriented to the development of services which ensure an environmental management in compliance with the sustainability, quality, environment and safety policies by respecting and meeting the requirements of all the kinds of stakeholders
Being at the service of the companies in the forward-looking management of the waste cycle to transform it into a source of qualified employment, innovative and quality business for the environment.
Value growth and creation through the supply of high-quality products and services are the guidelines of our actions.
- Offering customized services to our customers which can be referred to the whole management cycle of the special waste produced by industrial, commercial and handcrafted activities.
- Assisting and supporting the customer in a correct and efficacious management of the produced waste by fulfilling the obligations to which he is subjected in compliance with the legislation in force.
- Reducing the environmental impact of the business activity with a gradual increase of the quantities of the recovered materials. To pursue the goals aimed to ensure the continuity, reliability and enlargement of the supplied services, trying to improve the environmental performances and the safety levels, Glob Eco adopts an Integrated Quality, Environment, Safety system which is based on the following main elements:
- the pursuit of the customer satisfaction with a punctual detection of his approval of the supplied products/services
- the efficacy of its own management system and the processes included in it, by complying with the applicable law and contractual requirements and the accurate control of the supply phases of the offered services
- commitment to observe the applicable legislation as regards both the quality of the provided service/supplied product and the assurance of the highest safety standards for the plants and the operators and the environmental protection
- minimization of the environmental impacts related to its own activities, by optimizing the consumption of land and energy and through a correct resources management and using, if economically sustainable, the best available technologies
- reduction of the risks to the personnel’s health and safety by developing and implementing appropriate training programs, adopting work instructions and using work organizational operational measures
- continuous improvement of its own management system and its own services through the definition and implementation of specific goals and programs, through the technological innovation and technical development of its own resources
- involvement and awareness campaigns of all the personnel aimed to the constant increase of the awareness, responsibility and participation of each collaborator
- destination of appropriate resources, means and competences for the effective and efficacious operation of the Company Management System
- communication outside and inside the Company of the company policy for what concerns Quality, Environment, Safety by keeping a close dialogue with the various involved parts (customers, employees, authorities, controlling bodies, etc.).